The chalenge for each of our day is to manage our company with efficiency while ensuring to our clients to maintain the quality of our services.
It is with great enthusiasm and belief in 2009 that I agreed to carry the torch of Decorama Metal Inc.. I wish to engage fully in its development and increase its influence.
I am pleased to have a strong and dynamic team. Involvement of employers is a guarantee of success and professionalism. Our services and projects are developed in a complementary manner while remaining focused on the needs of customers with specific needs.
This site was created to let you know about our services. We hope you find this web site informative. It is with pleasure that we welcome any suggestions to make it more interesting for you.
Of course, staff of Decorama Metal and I, take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our new web site. We wish you a great day!
Yours, Dominique Trinque General / Production Manager Châteauguay
We work closely with organizations to control printing plates that are up to their standards.
This is our way of saying that you are significant for us.